Members' Games (Please note this page is not optimised for mobiles)
Great finish by Angelica Rowe October 4th 2023 in a mini league match - employing the Grand Prix attack to devastating effect.
Adam Bleakley V Cedric Beaume.
Adam's opponent falls for a classic trap early handing Adam a massive advantage which he saw home.
John Hipshon v Vidur Bhalavat
Committing the Queen to the same file as an opponent rook is not the best idea as we see here. Winning the exchange was enough.
Sensational win for our A team v Leeds A on 1st March.
Here are the games!
Starting with Ernest Karumazondo beating WFM Liza Kisteneva
Now we have Jael v David Shapland
Here is a game played on August 15th 2018 between Peter Braham (White, ECF 148 and John Hipshon (Black, ECF 123) in the Alwoodley Chess Club Internal League Division 1. Comments from Lichess.org
Peter makes an aggressive start and wins two pawns, but John fights back and not only equalises, but misses a clear win. However, in the end game both players missed win chances too! A draw was agreed, and was probably a fair result after all that. Exciting stuff!
Hugh Thornton played an excellent game in the Yorkshire League against Gary Corcoran. Enjoy - there are some nice tactics here (and a few blunders too!)
Steve Smith (No ECF grade) v Steve Hodgson (ECF 70) Yorkshire League Division 3 played 22nd September 2018.
It's long, but it's not a classic.
Failing to re-capture the bishop (move 25) was a massive error, instead I played the move that I had planned to play after re-capturing. I claim being distracted by going to the loo and then putting my jumper on!
LiChess has me more or less ahead up until that point. I thought I fought back OK, winning back 2 pawns for my accidentally-sacrificed knight. As Phil mentioned after the game, I should have swapped rooks (move 66) leaving me with 2 pawns versus pawn and bishop, knowing that if I swap off my opponent's pawn for one - or even two - of mine then it's a draw.
And then of course, on move 69 I blunder again and that's pretty much all she wrote.
Ah well, hopefully some points to bear in mind for next time!
David Pedro v Rupert Jones, Yorkshire League Division 1, February 2nd 2019.
A win for David in 18 moves. David comments:
Turns out on analysis, that when Rupert resigned if he played c5 he would only be a pawn down rather than a piece down as I am forced to move my queen back and then he simply takes the piece back but loses a pawn, although I am still very favourable positionally.
Mike Bramson v Chris Terrington, Yorkshire League Div 16th April 2019.
Chris comments:
Mate in 2 at move 19. and a first league win against a 160+ player!
After the game, Mike said that when he played 8.Be3?! he'd not seen the force of the reply e5 and thought he should have played d5= when there are some fairly wild variations that seem about equal but over the board could have gone either way.
Think I gained the early pressure as the classical development moves of 3.Nf3, 4.Be2, 5.O-O, 6.c4 and 7.d4 - strange as it may seem - left White with difficulties as Black has good attacking chances in these Scandinavian, Portuguese variations against both the King & the Queen.
I slightly misplayed the attack with 9...e4?! (Better exd4) but luckily Mike then made an error in return with 11.Bf4 (Better Nh4=).
After this I "just" had to play carefully to ensure I trapped the King and (unlike some games earlier in the season) didn't let it run away!
Paul Gelder v Paul May now in the internal league. Paul Geder comments: Probably one of my best finishes ever, particularly as I played most of the last 20 moves in the last 5 minutes and we both had less than a minute at the end. I was OK until moves 19 to 26 when I had to lose the exchange. In time pressure at the end Ne6 on move 42 would have finished the game quicker. We got a round of applause at the end.
A game played between one of the Juniors and a a new club player in the recent clash between Alwoodley B and Alwoodley C. Exciting start! Here Angelica catches Joe off guard with a surprise attack on f7. Hopefully Joe has now learnt to defend that attack with Nh6!
This is David Pedro's win against a Grand Master. Quite why GM Lalic was playing for the Isle of Wight Chess team online in out recent tournament with clubs from around the country is unknown, but David beat him using the London system!
I call this game I played online - 'KEEP ATTACKING!' I got there in the end!