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Leeds  League (Wednesday Evenings) (5 players per team).



We operate 4 teams in the Leeds' Evening League - Alwoodley A, B, C and D.  The A team play in Division 1, B  team in Division 2 and C and D teams in Division 3. Each team has 5 players.

Leeds Mini League. (3 players per team). We operate 1 team in this league.

Leeds Rapidplay League (3 players per team). We operate 3 teams in this league.

Leeds League Arjay (knock out competition - three players per teams). We operate 4 teams in this competition.

Leeds Individual Competitions: There are two competitions. The Ellis trophy is open to any players and the Appleby trophy is for those graded below 1700. The competition is played over 5 rounds over the season.

Yorkshire League (Saturday afternoons) (8 players per team). We have an A and B team in Division 2 and 3 respectively.

Alwoodley Internal Leagues - we have our own internal leagues played through the season - 3 club divisions and senior league, and a knock out competition.

See all our fixtures here.

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